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- Weight Management: Getting Down to the Real Me Care Kit
This Care Kit is your own Do-It-Yourself “Boot Camp” for being all you can be. We don't just look at weight by itself, we look at your physical and emotional well-being. “My husband lost 75 lbs and I lost 45. We also lowered our BP and cholesterol.” This Care Kit was originally developed as part of a program for the US Military. (The #1 reason for early military discharge is weight gain.) Their behavior change expert said the Care Kit’s unique message “adds a level of emotional content for long term retention. All the pieces make sense.” And, it contains a lot of pieces including plans for: meal planning and portion control, a fast food guide, exercise programs, and a record book.... just to name a few. Devices include a digital BP monitor, digital scale and even a pedometer to track your steps. This kit is not based on the latest diet fad. This kit helps the "whole you". Everything in one place to help you lose weight and manage your "whole health." What a value!
- Blood Pressure Monitor with Wide Range Cuff
- Pedometer
- 440 lb Digital Scale
- 14 Dose Pill Organizer
- The "Fast Food AdVisor"
- Portion Planner
- Tape Measure
- Record Book
- "How to Use Pedometer" Guide
- "Getting Down to the Real Me" Step by Step Guide
- "Get Down with Meals" Guide
- "Get Down with Sleep" Guide
- "Get Down with Moves" Guide
- "Get Down with Medicine" Guide
- "Set Your Mind: Can Do" Guide
- "Watch What You Eat" Poster
- "From Stress to Calm" Card
- "How to Take Your Blood Pressure" Guide
- "How to Measure Progress" Guide
- "Why You Must Succeed" Guide
- "Know the Goal - The Real Me" Guide
"In one health study, 79% of people who had an average of 2.5 co-morbid chronic conditions who used this Care Kit for 6 months as part of their health benefits plan lost weight. Better yet, the average weight loss was 7 lbs and 31% of them lost more than 10 lbs."
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