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- Heart Failure Control Log Book
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Almost done with your current Heart Failure Log Book? It's time to order a new one. Go ahead, believe in yourself, order more than one!
As you already know, the Heart Failure Log Book lets you see at a glance when scores are heading out of control. You can take action before you’re in trouble.
Management experts say, “if you don’t measure, you can’t manage.” Measure means get a number. Step on the scale each morning to get a number, your weight. Continue to measure your progress with a blood pressure monitor. The monitor gives you numbers: Two for blood pressure and one for pulse, or heartbeat. You’re a success when you see 130/80 (or lower) and a pulse of 70 or less. Enter the numbers in the Log Book. If they stay the same or less every day you are on track. keep up the good work!
According to the American Society of Quality this log book is the best way to track numbers for this purpose.
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